Book 2 Dragon King’s Forbidden Love Chapter 111 The Epilogue
I fell onto my knees right next to my brother’s body. The light died down and I saw now how pale he was. Unnaturally pale. As if all the colour was drained from his skin… his lips were practically white.
I could feel that there was no life in him. Not a drop. And tears started falling from my eyes on their own, absolutely out of my control. I did not cry for the monster that just tried to kill me and everyone I loved, I did not cry for the traitor who lied to me my whole life… but I did cry for my Deon, the brother I thought I had. The one who was protecting me from everything, the one who knew all my secrets and to whom I trusted with my whole existence, the one who gave me family and the feeling of safety for many years. Yes, I was crying for that Deon.
I touched his hand and it started dissipating before my eyes into tiny specks of light. They flew and they circled in the air, dancing innocently, just as if they didn’t mean death at all, mixing with the rays of the setting sun and then disappearing.
“Goodbye, brother,” I whispered and felt Demir hugging me from the back. Warriors of Light gathered around us, none of them was fighting, none of them was saying a word. At a distance I saw Fabian, clenching someone to his chest, burying his face in the girl’s hair. And I just knew that this someone was Bria… A few other bodies were lying around and I noticed how the same thing that happened to Deon was happening to them as well.
At least the Goddess of Light accepted their souls back…
I took down my wings and turned to wrap my hands around Demir for the consolation I needed right now. And I needed it badly.
“It’s over,” he whispered, “You did well… It’s over.”
I found the strength to stand up and wiped my face, not wishing to humiliate myself in front of my people.
“This is the last time when I give you a choice,” I announced loudly while clenching my fists, “Just this once, I will forgive all your wrongdoings if you give me a magical oath of your loyalty this very moment. You are free to refuse and I even swear to not kill you today. But you will be forever banished from the islands of the White Archipelago. Choose!”
That was probably harsh of me to give them this little time for such an important decision. But I did not want to risk it. Not with the people who already entrusted their lives into my hands. I couldn’t fail them.
One girl whom I recognised from the incident of drinking my b***d, stepped forward and bowed her head low. And then she looked into my eyes with some kind of desperation in hers. “W-will you help us?” she asked.noveldrama
I knew what she meant. All the tainted ones were dying. Just like Fabian before then, they were losing their light. And for our people to lose light meant death. They knew it and they felt their end approaching.
“I will do what I can,” I said honestly, “but not everything depends on me. I can share with you the light of the goddess, but it will only help you if you are sincere about following her path. This is the only way it works.”
And it was the truth. Not all of Fabian’s people survived. Yet most did.
The same girl fell to her knees and I saw her summoning small sparks of light to the tip of her fingers, “I, Rita Damien, swear to be loyal to Larissa Artes until the day I die. I swear to follow the path that is told to us by the Citadel of Light and not distort the teachings of the Goddess anymore.”
I nodded to her and smiled slightly. And as she rose, others kneeled, doing what she did, repeating what she said and pledging their lives to me.
I stole a glance from Demir, and he smiled at me proudly. Just when we were done two dragons landed right next to us, shifting before reaching the ground.
“Well, this was fun!” Darius chuckled, jabbing Bridgit slightly, “you’ve got some new tricks, sis!”
“So do you,” she smirked at him as the golden dragon flew above our heads. Primrose was the last one to turn into human form. I gasped when I saw her face as four red cuts were now on it, going through her left eye and eyebrow, almost to the middle of her cheek.
One of her brothers growled angrily, while her mother Mira ran up to her, pulling the tired girl into a warm embrace. They stood like this for a while until her father Derrien joined them. Followed by all the other siblings. Demir took my hand and we joined them as well.
So, this is how a family felt…
“Come on,” Meadow said after a while, “Let me heal this for you, Prim. Otherwise, the scars will stay forever.”
She raised her hand, which was already glowing with the cold purple sparks of dark magic, but her sister shuddered away.
“Don’t,” Primrose said firmly, and we all looked at her in shock. What did she mean exactly?
“Sweetheart,” your mother caressed her cheek gently, “Let me take care of it…”
“Please,” the girl whispered, “This is what I want. I want them. They will heal as my soul heals. But it’s not going to happen anytime soon.”
“This will not bring him back,” Miradora said.
“I know,” her daughter nodded quietly, “But this is what I want for now…”
I stood, wearing a golden dress that Lady Solveig made for me in an incredibly short amount of time. I still couldn’t believe that I was about to go to the first ever Council meeting that I was going to lead.
I looked at myself in the mirror, the scars were getting smaller and strangely enough that did not make me happy at all. I got used to them in the past three weeks. Now they were like the armour that was protecting me. No more pretty perfect princess. Now thanks to those scars for the first time in my life people were seeing me. The real me. And I was not ready to let this feeling go. There was no one to be pretty for now anyway.
I went to my dressing table and got out the golden paint from one of the drawers with a tiny brush. I scooped the paint and carefully filled each one of my 4 scars with it making them shiny and more visible. The golden queen they called me. Technically, I was an empress now. Until Demir enjoyed his family life enough to get back to his work. Which would probably be any day now but for some reason this did not make me happy.
Dark flames appeared right behind my back, and I saw my oldest brother smiling at me gently.
“Long time no see,” I chuckled, finishing my job, “are you finally ready to take back your throne?”
“That’s what I came here to speak to you about,” Demir smiled as he stepped closer and placed his hands onto my shoulders.
“Finally,” I smirked at him, “I’m getting tired of all this.”
“Actually,” he paused just for a second, before sighing heavily, “I’m not coming back, Prim.”
His words were like thunder on a clear day. I put down my brush and turned to look at him properly this time.
“Just what are you talking about now?” I raised my eyebrow.
“I am dead, Prim,” he smiled as if it was the best thing in the world, “The prophecy is fulfilled. It’s over. I’m free…”
“Elaborate on this, please,” I didn’t know what to think, “What exactly are you saying to me right now?”
“I’m the longest-ruling emperor in the Gerdian Empire history,” he said calmly, “I did what I could and I served my time. But now it’s time for fresh b***d. The times have changed, and I think that the empire can benefit from and ruler with a different approach.”
“Then call Darius!” I looked at him in shock, “Or the twins! Or…”
“No,” he snorted, “I can only trust my empire to you, Primrose. Now that I think about it, it was your destiny from the very beginning. You’re the last golden dragon, the purest royal b***d there is. There was a reason why Darmerions were never replaced by any other dynasty. And now it’s your time to keep that legacy.”
“I can’t,” I mumbled, glancing at him helplessly.
“You are already doing it sister,” he smiled as he caressed my cheek. He was the only one who never asked me to heal the scars. Because he was the one with whom I had the best understanding out of the whole family.
“And what are you going to do?” I kept staring at him and saw how relaxed and happy his face became after he heard my question. He was happy.
“I will live, do everything I ever wanted to do but never could. With Lara, the woman who gave me this new wonderful life.”
“Isn’t she supposed to rule the White Archipelago?” I furrowed my brows.
“Their ruling system is very different from ours,” he chuckled, “They don’t take part in wars, no one tries to conquer them since they are just a few small islands… she’s only needed there once a year to fill up that crystal with her energy. Eventually, we would have to settle down but for now, we are free to explore and enjoy our life. She hasn’t seen anything yet and I want to show her the world.”
“Can I do the same thing?” I chuckled.
“I’m afraid ruling the Gerdian Empire is a bit more complicated than that. But if you ever get tired or need help, you know how to call me,” Demir smirked and went in the direction of my balcony, “I will not be distracting you anymore, sister. But we expect to see you at our wedding.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I gave him my most sincere smile.
But then he froze with his back towards me and clenched his fists.
“Was he your soulmate?” he asked in a suddenly hoarse voice, and we both knew who he was talking about.
“Yes,” was all I said.
“I’m really sorry,” my brother took a deep breath, “None of you deserve this…”
The flames of dark magic took him away and I calmly turned back to look at myself in the mirror. Everything looked just like I intended, and I stood up, stretching my back and walking out into the corridor. Sean was waiting for me there with the latest report that he was giving to me on my way to the Council meeting. After the trial of the red Dragons, since he saved my life and help Laura and Demir escape, I decided to put his talents to good use. After I made him give me a magical oath, of course.
“Did I just hear two voices in your room?” he looked at me suspiciously.
“Don’t get distracted,” I ignored the question, “We have great things to do…”
I spread my wings enjoying the warmth of the air on my wedding day. The sun was setting down painting everything around me into beautiful golden shades.
I saw them from afar, everyone who was invited to attend the ceremony stood on the top of a mountain, waiting for my arrival. And in the very centre was him… Demir, wearing a black gerdian royal suit with golden detailing on the coat.
Today we were trying to honour both traditions – those of the people of the White Archipelago and the dragons of the Gerdian Empire.
The wedding was taking place on the highest peak of the islands with the most beautiful view of the sea in front of our eyes. A few dragons were flying in the sky and a few more were next to the rest of the guests in their dragon form. It was important but I didn’t know why. Neither did I care.
All I cared about was him…
Our eyes locked and Demir smiled when he saw me ascending from the sky in my white lace dress that almost seemed transparent yet wasn’t. He raised his hand to me, and I accepted it while landing carefully right in front of him. Only to be immediately pulled into a warm embrace. Something that he wasn’t supposed to do, yet we just couldn’t help ourselves. If his mother did not insist, we would probably forget to marry properly at all. Since we were reunited and he healed properly, leaving the bed was exceptionally hard…
The high priestess of the Citadel of Light joined us. I appointed her myself just a few days ago since trusting the previous High Priest, who took part in my shady engagement and helped to hide my identity for so long, just wasn’t appealing at all. I knew it wasn’t his fault in the end, but still… he knew about everything and kept his silence. And I was going to leave the White Archipelago soon, I wanted to have here people that I could really trust. Fabian was going to take over political affairs in my absence, while priestess Livia was going to protect the crystal and the Citadel of Light.
The words of the ceremony had to be tweaked to fit our unusual couple but I knew that neither the Goddess of Light nor the dark gods or the dragon gods would mind. They made us soulmates. And after we survived that prophecy, no one and nothing could separate us anymore.
“Today we gathered here to witness this very unique union. A daughter of Brighta, the Goddess of Light, and a son of the dark gerdian gods and dragons of Agnegard,” the priestess smiled brightly, “It seems like they shouldn’t have even met each other. Yet in fact, our gods created them for each other. So different, they are two halves of the same whole.”
I looked at Demir and sparks of dark magic started dancing in his eyes, while the priestess continued, “And who are we to argue with the will of gods? Today Demir Darmerion Derwood and Larissa Artes will be united with the Light of Brighta and the flames of Agnegard. With you all as witnesses. Say your vows now or refuse! This is your time!”
A smirk appeared on my fiancé’s face as he brought my palm to his lips and kissed it gently, “Lara, once I already promised you that whatever happens, I will forever hold your hand in mine. And this will never change. As you know, I never wanted to find my soulmate, but as soon as I laid my eyes on you, I knew that I would never be able to let you go. After I experienced what life can be with you by my side, I did not want anything else. For me, you are everything. And I promise that this would never change. I love you with all my heart and even when this world ceases to exist, my feeling will still remain the same.”
I felt my eyes getting teary and bit my l*p, feeling how he squeezed my fingers tightly, giving me the strength that I needed. As always.
“Demir,” I said and looked at him, trying to smile, “You are the one who helped me to see the world for what it really was. And you are the one who helped me to become the person I was always supposed to be. You treat me as your equal… I wasn’t the easiest soulmate for you, yet you only gave me your love and support. You even died so that we could be together. And in no way do I feel worthy of what you did for me. But I will spend every day and second of my life, loving you. Not because of all those amazing things that you did. But because I cannot live any other way now. You are in my heart, in my soul, in my dreams… I love you so much that the words would never be enough to express it. You are my everything! And you will be my everything forever!”
I could see that he wanted to pull me into his arms and to k**s away every tear that fell down my cheeks during my awkward confession, but the priestess cleared her throat and we remained in our places. She then handed each of us a long twig and two priests brought a huge chalice, placing it before us. This was the most important moment as far as I was aware.
We summoned our magic, lighting them up and threw them both into the chalice. Dark flames of Demir mixed with my white fire, creating something new and beautiful inside. And soon a huge flame rose from the chalice, signifying that our union was complete. At that moment I felt my engagement bracelet warm up on my hand and noticed how it was changing colour to a darker one, the patterns on it changing as well. Now our bracelets would be telling a different story to everyone who saw them, now everyone would know that Demir and I were husband and wife.
“Your union is complete, and all the gods accept it,” Livia beamed, “You may k**s…”
Demir did not let her finish as he pulled me into his arms and covered my lips with his greedily. It had been a few hours that we did not see each other but it felt like years.
The dragons around us gave out loud roars and started breathing fire in the air. And when they were done, every guest present in their human form raised their hand. They all summon their magic – either a cold dark one or the magic of light. Each of them sent their creation slowly to the sky, illuminating everything around us.
Demir held me in his hands as we watched hundreds of the shining lights flying and I placed my head on his chest, trying to let that feeling sink in.
I was really happy… I was the happiest woman alive.
~ *** ~
“Lara, would you just stop?” Demir begged me again but I kept on stomping down the dark passage. We came to visit his parents in Agnegard for the first time and I was shocked to find out that this woman, who almost ruined our lives with her careless words, was still around.
“No,” I shook my head, “I have something to tell her! She…she… you know what she did!”
“It’s not her fault, Lara,” my handsome husband sighed, “She is just a Seer… She…sees things!”
“Oh, I know!” I snorted, “I know everything!”
We came to an inner cave and I saw a huge skeleton of a dragon and what looked like a house… of sorts… inside.
Of course, she would live in a place like that!
I marched straight to the skeleton and saw a very old woman walking out, using a stick. All right, maybe I wouldn’t tell her everything. But I was definitely going to at least tell her something!
“Hello!” I said firmly and saw her lips curl into a smirk.
“The Light Queen,” she sneered, “What an honour!”
She had some nerve.
“You know what,” I narrowed my eyes at her and she cackled.
“Of course, I know,” she admitted, “I’ve been waiting for you for years!”
“You’ve been waiting for me for years to tell you that when I am pregnant, I’d never come here for a prophecy?” I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands on my chest.
“Well, you are here now, aren’t you?” she raised her silver brow and then looked significantly at my belly.
For a second there, I forgot how to breathe and looked at Demir. Who seemed as startled as I was.
“Congratulations! It’s a girl!” the Seer cackled and I realised that once again, I lost to that woman, “Now, about the prophecy for that firstborn dragon of yours…”
My eyes grew wide with shock, and I covered my ears, “No, no, no! No way! You are not doing this to our child! She will not have a prophecy!”
The Seer smiled at us and bowed her head respectfully, “As you wish, my queen.”
“Th-thank you,” I mumbled and grabbed Demir’s hand, pulling him away. I had no desire to tell anything to this woman anymore. I just wanted to never see her again and get out of here faster.
I was too happy. Travelling around the world with my husband for the past two years was amazing. And knowing that there was a new life inside of me now – it was incredible! I had everything I ever wanted now! Nothing else was needed…
When we were out of the cave, I heard Demir chuckling and turned to look at him.
“You really showed her!” he snorted and I wanted to kick him.
“Demir Darmerion Derwood!” I raised my eyebrow at him, “Don’t test your luck with a pregnant woman! Especially if you want to still be around when our child is born!”
We stared at each other some more before we both burst out laughing and he lifted me up in his arms and spun me around.
“I love you so much!” he whispered as he lowered me for another k**s.
“I love you too,” I managed to say right before his lips covered mine.
~ *** ~
The Seer was watching the happy couple walking out of her face and let out a little laugh that they did not hear, of course.
“Naïve children,” she sighed, “Don’t you know that once I saw your daughter’s destiny, you can’t ever change it?”
The End
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